Production technology of Brinjal

Botanical name: Solanum melongena
Family: Solanaceae 
Chromosome No2n = 24
Origin: India
Common name :Eggplant, Aubergine
  • It is an annual crop and fruits are available throughout the year.
Importance and uses :
  • Brinjal fruits are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B.
  • An analysis of 100 g of edible fruit contains 91.5g of water, 6.4 g of Carbohydrates, 1.3g of Protein, 0.3g of fat and 0.5g of mineral matters.
  • Dark purple brinjal has high amount of vitamin C .
  • Bitterness in brinjal is due to presence of glycoalkaloids.
  • Brinjal stimulate the intrapeptic metabolism of blood cholesterol.
  • Dry fruit contain goitrogenic principles.
Area and production:
  • In India , the leading producers are Orissa, Bihar, Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra and UP.
  • Brinjal covers 8.14% of total vegetable area and produces 9 per cent of the total production.
Varieties :
Popular varities and hybrid -
Long varieties:
  • Pusa Purple Long - It is a selection from a local variety 'Batia'.
  • Pusa Purple Cluster - his cultivar is resistant to bacterial wilt and little leaf disease.
  • Pusa Kranti - This cultivar is dwarf and spreading habit. Fruits are oblong with attractive purple colour. This cultivar is good for both spring and autumn planting under north Indian conditions. The average yield varies from 25-30 t/ha.
  • Arka Sheel - The fruits are medium long, with deep shining purple colour.
  • Arka Kusumakar - The finger shaped fruits are borne in clusters.
  • Arka Anand - t is a high yielding F1 hybrid with resistance to Bacterial wilt. Suitable for Kharif and Rabi.
Other long varieties - Arka Keshav, Arka Navneeth, Azad Kranti.

Round varieties : 
  • Pant Rituraj - Resistant to bacterial wilt.
  • Pusa Purple Round - It is highly resistant to little leaf virus diseases.
Other round varieties - Manjri, Krishnanagar Purple Round.

  • Pusa Bhairav - Resistant to phomopsis blight and fruit rot
  • Pusa Kranti, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Anmol.
TNAU varieties:

Varieties - CO 1, CO 2, MDU 1, PKM 1, PLR 1,PLR (B) 2, KKM 1, PPI 1, Annamalai COBH 1 and COBH 2

CO-1 (1978):
  • Fruits are oblong, pale green with white backround.
  • Fruits are soft seeded even at full maturity Yields about 20-25 tonnes/ha.
CO-2 (1988):
  • Fruits are slightly oblong having dark purple streaks under pale green backround without spines on the calyx surface.
  • Fruits are soft seeded even at full maturity Yields about 35 tonnes/ha
MDU-1 (1979):
  • Fruits are round with large size each weighing about 200-250g
  • Bright purple in colour with less seed content
  • Yields about 30 tonnes/ha.
  • Fruits are small with green stripes.
  • Yields about 35 tonnes/ha.
  • Recommended for rainfed condition.
PLR-1 (1990):
  • Fruits are small, medium sized, purple in colour, egg shaped, dark purple and glossy in appearance.
  • Yields about 25 tonnes/ha.
KKM-1 (1995):
  • Fruits are born in clusters with 2-4, egg shaped milky white in colour.
  • Yields about 37tonnes/ha.
PPI-1 :
  • Fruits are lengthy pale green in colour, less seeded and bitter less.
  • Yields about 50 tonnes/ha.
PLR(B) 2 :
  • Fruits are oval in shape, dark purple with pink tinge and glossy.
  • Average yield 38t/ha
  • It is a pure line selection from Elavambadi village of Vellore District.
  • Fruits are oval in shape, glossy pink in colour with green tinge in the distal end.
  • Resistant to leaf spot,verticillium wilt and epilachna beetle.
  • It is a cluster bearing type
  • Yields about 40-45 tonnes/ha.
COBH-1 (2001):
  • It is a hybrid between EP45 x CO2.
  • Fruits are dark violet in color, higher ascorbic acid content.
  • Yields about 56 tonnes/ha.
COBH-2 (2002):
  • It is a hybrid between EP65 x Pusa Uttam.
  • Moderately tolerant to shoot and fruit borer.
  • Fruits are medium sized, slightly oblong and glossy violet in colour Fruit.
  • High yielding about 58 t/ha.
  • Brinjal is susceptible to severe frost.
  • Temperature range of 21-27°C is most favourable for production.
Soil :
  • They can be grown practically on all soils from light sandy to heavy clay loam.
  • Generally sandy loam soil is  preferred for cultivation.
  • The pH of soil should be 5.5 to 6.0 .
  • The soil should be fertile and well drained. 
Sowing time :
Winter crop : June-July
Summer crop : December- January
Hilly regions crops : March-April

Seed rate : 
Varieties : 400 g / ha
Hybrids : 200 g / ha

  • Raised beds should be prepared (7.5×1.2×10-15cm) and seeds are sown in rows of 7.5 to 10cm apart.
  • The seeds should be covered  by FYM and soil
  • The seeds are treated with captan or thiram at the rate of 2g/kg of seed to prevent from fungal pathogens.
  • The seedlings are ready for transplanting in about 4-5 weeks.
Preparation of land :
  • Soil is prepared to fine tilth by giving 4-5 ploughings.
  • Add well rotten organic manure 25t/ha for better soil performance
Varieties - 400 g / ha
Hybrids - 200 g / ha

Manures and fertilizers:
  • It is a heavy feeder of nutrients and requires more nutrients for better yield and quality.
  • F.Y.M -25 tonne par ha
  • Nitrogen :- 100 kg par ha.
  • Phosphorus - 60 kg par ha.
  • Potassium- 60 kg par ha.
  • Basal dose :- Half dose of nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus and potassium.
  • Top dressing - remaining dose of nitrogen is applied  30 days after planting.
Mulching :
Mulch with black LDPE sheets of 25 micron thickness and bury both the ends into the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

Weed control :
  • Apply Pendimethalin 1.0 kg a.i./ha as pre-emergence herbicide.
  • Hand weeding once at 30 days after planting.
Irrigation :
After establishment of seedlings, irrigate at weekly intervals.

Growth regulators :
Spray Borax 35 mg/l of water 15 days after transplanting and at the time of full bloom to increase the yield.

Plant protection :
Pest :
Shoot & fruit borer 
  • Remove the affected terminal shoot showing boreholes
  • Remove the affected fruits and destroy.
  • Spray Neem Seed Kernel Extract 5 % or Azadirachtin 1.0% EC (10000 ppm)3.0 ml/lit starting from one month after planting at 15 days interval.
Epilachna beetle 
  • Collect the beetles, grubs, pupae and destroy them.
  • Spray Quinalphos 20 % AF 1.7 ml/lit or Azadirachtin 0.03 % WSP (300 ppm) 5.0 g/lit.
Mgt :
  • Monitor the whitefly by yellow sticky trap - 12 Nos./ha.  
  • Spray Neem oil 3% + Teepol (1 ml/lit) or spray Neem Seed Kernel Extract 5 %.
  • Spray Diafenthiuron 50 % WP 8.0 g/10 lit.
Ash Weevil 
Mgt :
Apply Carbofuran 3 G at 15 kg/ha at 15 days after planting.

Red Spider mite 
Mgt : 
Apply phorate 10 % G @15 kg /ha or spray Dicofol 18.5 % SC 2.0 ml/lit.

Disease :
Damping off 
Mgt :
  • Treat the seeds with Trichoderma viride 4 g/kg or Pseudomonas fluorescens 10 g /kg of seed 24 hours before sowing.
  • Water stagnation should be avoided.
  • Drench the soil with Copper oxychloride at 2.5 g/lit at 4 lit/sq.m
Leaf Spot
Mgt :
spray Mancozeb 2 g/lit.

Little Leaf
Mgt :
  • Remove the affected plants in the early stages
  • spray Methyl demeton 30 EC @ 1.0 ml/lit. to control the vector
  • Brinjal fruits are harvested when they have developed a good colour and marketable size.
  • Harvest can be done 55 – 60 days after transplanting.
  • Fruits are harvested at tender stage at 4 – 5 days intervals
Yield :
  • Early crop normally yields 20-30 t/ha
  • long duration crop yields 35-40 t/ha.
  • F1 hybrids yield about 40-80t/ha.
Grade specification :
  • Colour: light purple or dark purple, green, purple or coloured with white stripes.
  • Size: 25-30 cm long, oblong or round 

Textbook of vegetable crops by Prem nath k.R.M.swamy
Vegetable science by D.singh