Scientific Name: Cyamopsis tetragonolobus

Chromosome number: 2n = 2x = 14

Common name :cluster bean 

Origin :West Africa and India

  • Cluster bean is an annual legume crop.
  • Cluster bean is also known as " Guar ".


  • Cluster is an upright erect summer annual growing to a heigt of 3 m with stiff erect branches
  • Stem -angled
  • Leaves-trifoliate.
  • Flowers-Small white or purple
  • Fruits-compressed, erect and 4-10 cm long double ridge on dorsal side single ridge below, beaked


  • Used as vegetable at tender stage, in southern parts of india.
  • They are dehydrated and stored for use.
  • Mucilaginous seed flour is used for making guar gum which is used in textile, paper, cosmetic and oil industries.
  • Used for forage
  • Green manure.
  • Also used as a medicine.

Medical benefits:

  • Beneficial for Diabetes
  • Stronger Bones
  • Better Heart Health
  • Appropriate Blood Pressure
  • Helpful for Pregnant Women 
  • Improve Blood Circulation
  • Better Digestion
  • Keep Mind Calmer.


  • Pusa Mausmi
  • Pusa Sadabahar
  • Pusa Naubahar
  • MDU 1.


  • It is a tropical crop preffering warm climate.
  • Cluster bean is a drought tolerant warm season annual legume crop grown.
  • It cannot tolerate shade.
  • It prefers long day condition for vegetative growth and short day condition for flowering.
  • High toleration of temperature (25 to 35°C).
  • Can tolerate drought and alkaline soils.


  • Grows well under a wide range of soil conditions, but preferably fertile, well drained, medium textured and sandy loam soils.
  • The soil pH should be around 7.5-8.5.

Sowing time 

  • main season - june -july
  • Early crop - feb-march

Spacing : 45-60 cm x 15 cm.

Seed rate : 25-30 kg/ha.

Seed treatment

Seeds are treated with Rhizobium @ 600 g/ha using rice gruel as binder. Dry the treated seeds in shade for 15 – 30 minutes before sowing.

Preparation of field

Plough the field to fine tilth and form ridges and furrows at 45 cm apart.


Dibble the seeds on the sides of the ridges at 15 cm apart.

Manures and fertilizers 

  • Apply FYM 25 t/ha, Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria each 2 kg/ha, N 25, P 50 and K 25 kg/ha as basal.
  • 25 kg N/ha is applied as top dressing on 30 days after sowing.


  • Irrigation at flowering and fruiting stages is the most critical.
  • Irrigation may be done at 5days interval.

After cultivation

  • Spray 2-4D or DSMA disodium metahne arsonate each @2kg / ha for removal of weeds from the field.
  • Staking is also necessary to avoid lodging in tall varieties.

Plant protection


Leaf hopper , aphids, and glasshouse whitefly

  • Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/lit.

Ash weevils                               

  • Spray Azadirachtin 0.03% (300ppm) @ 2.5 ml/lit.


Leaf spot

  • Spray mancozeb @ 2 g/l.

Powdery mildew

  • Spray wettable sulphur @ 2 g/l or dust sulphur @ 25 kg/ha and repeat it at15 days interval.


  • Crop duration 120 days.
  • Green pods are ready for harvest 45 days after sowing spray of CCC @ 2000ppm increases the yield.
  • Dry seeds are harvested when a large percentage of pods are full and most of remaining will turn yellow. It is to be harvested before the lower pods are dry enough to start shattering.


Green pod yield of 5-8 tonnes/ha in 90 days 


Textbook of vegetable crops by Prem nath k.R.M.swamy

Vegetable science by D.singh

TNAU Agri portal