Guava can be propagated both by sexual and asexual reproduction.Plants grow from seed does not true to type in nature and it takes long period for economic guava is mostly propagated by vegetative propagation or asexual reproduction such as air layering, grafting and budding.

Air layering 

Air layering is a commercial propagation of guava.

Air layering is also known as Chinese layering, Pot layering, Marcottage and Gootie.Air layering is an ancient method of layering which is originated from China.

Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems while the stems are attached to the mother plant.

Air layering

The tools and material record for air layering is a sharp knife,thick cotton thread, clean 200 guage polythene sheet and pruning shear.

  • Generally 1 to 2 year old, healthy and vigorous shoots having pencil thickness are used for air layering.
  • The branch should be healthy and the free from Pest and disease.
  • First the leaves are removed near the basal Inter nodal portion which is away from 35 to 45 cm from the apex of the selected shoots then the stem is given a notch or girlded by removing a ring of bark about 2 to 3 cm wide.
  • Application of root promoting hormones at the distal end at the time of layering helps to get profuse rooting within a short time.
  • Root promoting substance may be applied as powder or in lanolin on as a solution.IBA or a combination of IBA+NAA,both at the rate of 500 ppm maybe applied for better results.
  • After application of hormones, ringed or girlded portions is covered with moist moss grass hand full of moist clay soil.
  • This ball of earth may be covered with sphagnum moss and wrapped with 200 guage polythene sheet.
  • Air layering should be done either in Spring or in monsoon.
  • The rooted layers are either planted in pot or in nursery bed in a shady place until they are fully established.
  • Fruit crops such as Guava, Litchi, lemon and pomegranate can be propagated by air layering.

Introduction to Horticulture by N.kumar