What is spice?

Spices are plant or plant products of which is add to the food for aroma and flavour.For example Black pepper, Turmeric, Ginger etc.


What is Condiments?

Condiments are plant or plant products of which is add to the food for taste.For example Coriander, Garlic etc.

Scope and Importance of spices

  • Spices contain essential oil that add aroma and flavour to the food.
  • It increase the shelf life of food.
  • They add seasoning of food.
  • India produce most of the world spice production and export throughout the world.
  • Spices are used as raw material for some cosmetics, pharmaceutical industries, drugs etc.
  • Spices contain little nutritive value.
  • Spices create an establishment of agriculture based industries.
  • The spice based industries provide more employment opportunities for rural areas.
  • Establishment of plantation in wasteland development.For example planting of Tamarind in wasteland.
  • Spice earn more foreign exchange due to export market.
  • Spices have more medicinal value and cure many human disease.

In India spices are classified into different ways depending on the parts used, the economic importance, climatic requirements, Orgin, flavour, requirement of season and botanical characters etc.But none of the classification is complete as each classification has got some overlapping.

The spices are classified based of economic importance of the spices.They are grouped into two namely Major spices and Minor spices.

What are the Major spices? and why they are called as Major spices?

The spices that contribute major share in the spices trade market of the world are Major spices. The spices come under this group are small cardamom, black pepper, Turmeric and Ginger. The spices contribute over 75% to 90% of total foreign exchange through spices.

What are the Minor spices? and why?

The spices which exclude all the Major spices are called Minor spices. These minor spices are further divided into five sub groups. They are Seed spices, Bulbous spices, Aromatic spices, Leafy spices and Tree spices.

  1. The Seed spices are Coriander, Cumin, Black cumin, Fennel,Aniseed, Mustard,Poppy and Caraway.
  2. The Bulbous spices are Garlic, Onion, Leek and Shallot.
  3. The Aromatic spices are Clove, Cinnamon, Allspice and Nutmeg.
  4. The Leafy spices are Curry leaf, Mint, Rosemary, Bayleaf and Parsley.
  5. The Tree spices are Tamarind, Kokam, Curry leaf, Clove, Nutmeg and Anardana



Introduction to Horticulture by N.kumar