Production technology of Lab lab

Botanical name: Dolichos lablab or Dolichos purpureus

Family: Fabaceae

Chromosome No: 2n=22

Origin: India

Common name: Indian bean, pole bean,Lab Lab


  • It is used for pod, feed and green manure.
  • Its fresh green pods contain 86% moisture, 3.8% protein, 6.7%,CHO, 0.7% fat,0.9% mineral matter, Vitamin A 312 IV.
  • It is good source of Vitamin B and C also.
Production technology of Lab lab


Bush type

  • Co 6
  • Co 7
  • Co 8
  • Co 9
  • Co 10
  • Co 11
  • Co 12
  • Co 13
  • Co (Gb) 14
  • Arka Jay
  • Arka Vijay 

Pandal type

  • CO 1
  • CO 2
  • CO 3
  • CO 4
  • CO 5 
  • Pusa Early Prolific.


  • It is a warm season crop.
  • Some cultivars are highly drought resistant.
  • The suitable temperature for seed germination is 18°C to 27°C.


  • It can be grown almost all types of soils, but  sandy loam, silt loam and clay loam are best suited.

Season -  June-July and February-March.

Seed rate - 40-50 kg/ha.

Rhizobial treatment

  • Treat the seeds with three packets (600 g) of Rhizobial culture per ha using rice gruel as binder.
  • Dry the treated seeds in shade for 15 – 30 minutes before sowing.

Land preparation

  • The soil should be ploughed, clods are broken and weeds are removed.
  • The soil should be in fine tilth.


  • Seeds are sown in rows 1-1.5 m apart.
  • It is dibbled or drilled behind the ploughed at a distance of 10-15 cm

Manures and fertilizers

  • Irrigated - FYM - 12.5kg/ha,N- 25kg/ha and p - 50kg/ha.
  • Dry - FYM - 12.5kg/ha,N-12.5kg/ha and p - 25kg/ha


Bush type

  • Basal soil application of 25kg ZnSO4 + 10kg Borax per ha.
  • 25kg FeSO4/25kg MnSO4/5kg CuSO4 per ha if the soil is deficient in the particular micronutrients.

Pandal type

  • 25 kg of ZnSO4 + 10 kg Borax as basal soil application.


  • It is suitable for  rainfed conditions.
  • Flowering and pod development period are the critical stages.
  • For higher yields the crop should be irrigated regularly at 7-10 day interval.

Weed control

  • Shallow cultivation during the early stages of crop is necessary to check the weeds and to facilitate earthing up.
  • A pre sowing application of Fluchloralin @21i/ha checks the weed growth for 20- >At the later stages of crop growth, the weeds are kept under check for 25 days interval.

Plant protection


Pod borer

  • Pod borer can be controlled by spraying Carbaryl 50 WP thrice at fortnightly intervals at the rate of 2 g/lit.
  • Dust with Carbaryl 10 D at the rate of 2.5 kg/ha or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 ml/lit.

Sucking pests

  • Sucking pests can be controlled by spraying Malathion 50 EC 1 ml/lit or Dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/lit or Methyl dematon 25 EC 1 ml/lit at 15 days interval to control aphids and other insects.


Powdery mildew

  • Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying Wettable sulphur 2 g/lit or Carbendazim 0.5 g/ litre.


Pandal type : 12 – 13 t/ha

Bush type : 8 – 10 t/ha


  • Best storage temperature is 4.5°C to 7.0°C, RH 65-70%.
  • Fresh pods can be kept for about 15 to 20 days in cold storage.
  • Dry seeds can be kept for 2-3 years at room temperature under dry conditions.


Textbook of vegetable crops by Prem nath k.R.M.swamy

Vegetable science by D.singh

TNAU Agri portal